How should i be paid if i work term time only


Q – “I’ve been told that our wage structure needs to be looked at as we are getting paid holiday pay every month instead of in a couple of chunks during the year. I work term time only but our wages get split over 12 months so we aren’t without pay over the holidays. It’s always been this was for as long as I have been there. Is this correct or are we entitled to our holiday pay every month like we have been used to? Does anyone have an actual link or legal information so that I can print it out and have proof of what we’re entitled to should I need to raise this with my Manager?”

Answers –

A – “In a school all TA’s get paid for the 38 weeks of the year they work plus 4 weeks holiday (which is minimum you should be paid) . The 42 weeks are then divided up over 12 months equal payments”

A – “I worked in a school kitchen once we got 38 weeks full pay plus 14 weeks holiday pay. This was added together then divided by 12 to give a pro rata monthly wage so we knew our basic wage each month.”

A – “I got 38 weeks worth of wages over 52 weeks to cover school holidays when I worked term time.. less each month than others but over a longer timescale.”

A – “It sounds like your employer has pro rata-ed you pay according to the weeks you work plus holiday accrued all divided by 12. If you cannot take holiday in term time and are not expected to work out of term time this is correct.”

A – “I can understand why your employer is reviewing this. The payment of wages is not always straightforward . It has certainly given me a lot of headaches over the years. It is probably something to do with NI and pension costs but depends on other factors eg wage”

A – “It’s up to your employer how they pay you as long as it’s in writing. Maybe it might be worth speaking to them if it messes you up as they still have to pay the same amount out PA regardless”

A – “When i spoke to acas i got told there isnt a law regarding term time pay its up to the employer how the work it out”

A – “Another thought, this may be an Inland Revenue requirement as it will affect tax credits etc”



2 thoughts on “How should i be paid if i work term time only”

  1. I work in a kitchen in a school we got type over to a company that they say they we’re paying us for 49 weeks/for 3yrs now they want to pay us for 44 weeks but a rate of 8.04 an hour do you think we’re being paid under

  2. Deborah Ann Cowdrill

    I am inployed by the school but have been told it will be took over by contractors which is team time only will i still get payed

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