Questions for a nursery managers interview


Q – “”I am interviewing for a new manager- what’s your favourite questions to ask at interview?”


A – “I’ve recently heard of people being asked to take in an object that represents them and to then talk about it during the interview. This is interesting as it can tell you a lot about a person and allows them to show for example if they are a passionate person etc… you can get some really interesting things brought in.”

A – “I also like to ask. And answer the question…. What do you feel your weaknesses are. This is good to see how honest they are, if they recognise their own limits and if they offer how the try to overcome them. Eg. My weakness is my memory so I makes lists and use a diary in different formats eg paper, phone and computer to make sure I remember tasks and prioritise this accordingly.”

A – “I think I would ask something about how they would support teamwork within the setting / deal with gossip/ uplift morale… as this is an important quality to keep the team working together while not impacting daily tasks for children.”

A – “I ask at interviews to help them feel more relaxed … tell us about yourself and why you think the position should be offered to you”

A – “Also if you could be any animal what would you be and why?? If you could be a superhero with a super power what would it be and why??Both give you indication of there personality, i know one local nursery for there preschoolers to prepare some interviews and at the second interview stage asked them to interview the candidates”

A – “How would the keep staff moral and motivation high”

A – “And a very random … if you were a colour what would you be any why?”

A – “I was asked how I would promote positivity within the nursery I thought that was a good question”

A – “I just got asked if they was to bask my best friend what kind of person I am what would the say ?”

A – “I’ve been asked to give examples of how I’ve supported and motivated a team and also examples of difficult situations I’ve had to manage”

A – “Whats more important, to be liked or respected ?”

A – “What motivates you and what frustrates you?”



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