What questions will I be asked during a Nursery Manager interview?


Q – ” I am currently working as a nursery nurse for health however i have an interview for a preschool manager job and would appreciate any tips on what i need to be reading up on?”



A – This article may give you some ideas and expectations http://www.earlyyearscareers.com/…/managers-interview…/

A – I would be asking about your knowledge on safeguarding. Best of luck!

A – An up to date article detailing the most recent changes to safeguarding http://www.earlyyearscareers.com/…/what-you-need-to…/

A – British values, ousted requirements,safeguarding. Everything!

A – Some ideas on evidencing British values here. Maybe you could make some of these suggestions during the interview, it would show skill, knowledge and initiative http://www.earlyyearscareers.com/…/evidencing-the…/

A – I literally just started in the same role in September! I was asked a variety of questions. Some surrounding safeguarding. Policies. Scenarios. Multi agency working. Curriculum planning. And they told me to answer every question using past experiences if possible.

A – Ofsted standards, eyfs….as a starter!

For more answers, please click here.



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