10 Ideas to support transition to school

Transition to School

When children move from nursery into school the process for children with SEND can be more lengthy as necessary steps have to be taken to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible for everyone involved especially the child. Some local authorities have paperwork that will need completing, such as information about the child’s special education needs, disability, medical needs and other information. To create a smooth transition to school its about all professionals working together to address what is best for the child. Schools approach varies from school to school, however time will be allocated to attend meetings with other professional and time will be taken to get to know the child through visits to home and visits to school.

10 Ideas to support transition to School

  1. Contact school to arrange a visit to the child’s home, or setting.
  2. Arrange a meeting between setting, school other professionals and parents to discuss SEND support.
  3. Plan extra visits to school with parent or key person, so child can familiarise themselves with school setting.
  4. Create a plan that will address any barriers before and when the child starts school
  5. Set up activities around transition and talk to children about what is going to happen
  6. Ensure that other setting has relevant training that they may need before the child starts
  7. Share child’s record, report, contact details of other professionals with school
  8. Encourage parents to visit school
  9. Liaise with school about child’s friendship group
  10. Create a photo album of the nursery setting, school and any important people eg teacher key person.



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