10 top tips for interview success

The best tips in getting yourself prepared for an interview

Interview top tips

  1. First impressions count

Be confident, shake your interviewers hand and keep eye contact at all times. Also, making small talk while you’re waiting shows your interest in the company and allows them to see your personality.

  1. Be prepared

Re-read your CV and the job advert just before the interview. Do your research thoroughly: Look at the company web site or obtain literature. You may be asked about the salary you are after so make sure you research that as well.

  1. Don’t waffle

Answer questions correctly and precisely, just give them a short snappy answer that’s to the point.

  1. Why should they hire you?

You need to be ready to talk about yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, abilities and skills. It is also good to think of examples to give them.

  1. Be positive

Make sure you are happy and positive, do not talk about previous employers and colleagues in a negative way as this will reflect badly on you.

  1. Remember your body language

Try to keep open, dont cross your arms or lean back. Sit upright and keep good eye contact and speak clearly.

  1. Expect the unexpected

Your interviewer may try to catch you off guard with a difficult question such as “How would your colleagues describe you?”. In these situations you need to stay calm and relaxed and think of an honest answer that will make you appeal to them.

  1. Develop rapport

Be yourself, have a laugh and smile, make the most of the time you have to show off your personality and skills. Don’t be afraid to as your interviewer questions too.

  1. Clarify anything you are unsure of

Ask if you dont understand, dont just sit there in silence. You can also ask if you have been successful and if not why that was.

  1. Remember your manners

Make sure you send a thank-you e-mail after to be polite.




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