Many nursery owners and childminders are concerned about the amount of money they will be losing, however if childcare providers decide to opt out thousands of children will lose out on their early education.
The 30hrs free childcare scheme is set to be rolled out across the rest of the country in Septemeber; many people argue that government need to rethink the scheme before it fails.
According to a survey carried out by NDNA 51,000 children will not be able to access a childcare place for the full 30 free hours, these figures are based on an estimate of 390,000 children being eligible for the scheme.
Childcare providers have to seriously look at how they will be able to recuperate the shortfall in funding; many are considering increasing fees. Another option providers are looking into is how best to offer the free funded sessions and charge parents for additional services outside of the funded hours, this will slightly help claw back some of the shortfalls in funding. However, it is parents who are going to have to put their hands in their pockets and help, whereas government should invest further to make this scheme sucessful for everyone.
Elaine scott says
I am an early years practitioner who is loosing her job in August because the school I work in is not offering this scheme.
Luckily for me I am also a registered childminder who would be happy to take funded children. There is however not enough known about the scheme so childcare providers are shying away from even considering doing this.