Are Early Years Apprentices given right contracts?

Early Years Apprentices should be on apprenticeship agreements

Early years apprentices on right contracts

Are Early Years Apprentices given the right contract? Apprenticeships in the Early Years are a great way for young people to gain those vital skills whist earning a wage. However employers need to ensure that Early Years Apprentices are given the right contract.

Once Early Years Apprentices have been through the recruitment process or been vetted by a training provider, it is employees responsibility to ensure they are given an apprenticeship agreement and not the standard contract of employment.

The apprenticeship agreement will state that Early Years Apprentices will be completing an apprenticeship in a particular skill, it should be made clear in the agreement that it is contract of service not a contract of apprenticeship.

Also stated in the agreement should be the terms required by the Employment Rights Act.

Below are some general questions that employees have been asking about apprenticeships;

Q. What is the rate of pay I have to pay my apprentice? 

A. Look at the governments pay rate for apprenticeships


Q. Will they be entitled to holiday pay?

A. Yes they will entitled to the minimum amount of holiday set by the government eg 20 days plus bank holidays -depending on the number of days worked each week


Q. If they are off sick will they be entitled to statutory sick play?

A. The apprentice must earn at least £112 before tax per week to qualify


Q. What is the minimum hours apprentices have to work?

A . All apprentices should work a minimum of 30hrs per week, however some may only work 16hrs per week


Q.  On completion of apprenticeship do I have to offer them a job ?

A.  No as long as you have given them the right contract, as the apprenticeships have a specific role to fill and that is to train the apprentice


Q.  If I needed to dismiss the apprentice can I?

A.  You can only do this if you have a fair reason for dismissing, ensure you demonstrate that the procedure has been followed fairly






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