Childcare providers working in partnership with Multi Agencies

 How to develop close working relationships with other professionals when working in childcare

developing relationships with other professionals when working in childcare

Working in partnership with other professionals is a huge part of the EYFS as all professionals should be working together to meet the needs of the child and family.

There be times where childcare providers will need to work with one than one professional, this can be in situations where children are accessing support from different multi agencies. In all circumstances it is important to ensure communication is effective and regular contact is made. Holding regular meetings to discuss children’s progress allows all professionals to group together to share their support and advice. As Ofsted will soon be looking at settings SEN provision and how children with Special Educational Needs and Disability are making progress, it is even more important to ensure the setting is fully meeting the child’s individual needs.

Professionals working in partnership with childcare providers to meet the needs of children

Establishing a relationship between other professionals can really help children access the early support they need. Even if you aren’t accessing help from multi agencies there is no reason why relationships still cant be built ready for when you need to make they contact.

How can these relationships be developed?

  • Do some research as to what help and support is available for parents in your area. Having this information to hand will help when it comes to sign posting a parents or inviting these professionals in to the setting.
  • Contact your local children’s centre, invite a representative from the children’s centre into your setting to talk about what the children centre can offer parents. Display leaflets from the children’s centre in your receptions area. Making this connection with children’s centre can create that close working relationship.
  • With the help of your SENCO why not create a working in partnership board detailing the support each professional can provide, may be add a photo of each professional. This board can be good for both practitioners and parents as a reference point.
  • With the introduction of the integrated review for two years olds approaching very soon why not approach your health visiting team.  Creating that early relationship and gain an understanding of how both professionals  can work together.

Making that first initial contact with professionals from multi agencies can be imitating, however to help overcome this think about the child and what help and support they need. At the end of the day everyone is working together to help meet the needs of the child and help them reach their full potential. A positive working relationship is where all team members are working together to achieve set targets.





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