Compulsory First Aid Training

First aid training for all in early years settings will be made compulsory from 2016

From 2016 early years providers must ensure all their staff receive paediatric first aid training, this has been made compulsory following the tragic death of a Millie Thompson.Parents of Millie set up a campaign to raise awareness of the current rule that only one person in the building at all times has to be paediatric first aid trained, having made this awareness it led to the Department for Education investigating the current rule and reviewing changes to be made to first aid training in early year settings.

Changes made after investigation.

The new change will mean that all early years providers must have an emergency paediatric first aid or a full paediatric first aid certificate and also when recruiting new employees they should also have this training. If employees do not have this training then they cannot be used in ratios under the Early Years Foundation Stage.

When will these changes come into effect?

It is expected to come into effect by September 2016

Who will the changes affect?

It will affect all early years settings except childminders.

More information will be available once it has undergo a consultation process.






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