Cost of delivering education for two ,three and four-year-olds to be reviewed

Reviewing the cost of education for two, three and four-year-olds

The cost to the provider for delivering the free early year’s education entitlement for two three and four-year-olds and how this compares to the early year funding rates is due to be reviewed.

A cost of the delivery calculator has been created by the Pre School Learning Alliance; it was invented as an alternative  for the Department for Educations template in response to the requirement for nurseries to now provide evidence of the costs to deliver a nursery school place.

The Department for Educations template has a few faults that have been highlighted and deemed it as not fit for purpose by businesses. The DFE have confirmed they will accept submissions using the Preschool alliances calculator instead of their own.

Companies are to identify and quantify all business costs and calculate the total hours delivered and to estimate the cost of each age groups hourly cost. The idea behind this need for reporting is to help the government understand the actual costs and to make the way the funding is distributed fairer between different local authorities and local providers.

On the other hand, providers can now find out how funding for other providers in their area have been calculated and what rate they might expect to receive. Businesses are to collate the data about their settings before the deadline which is the 30th April 2018.

To use the alternative the calculator please follows the link



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