Courses available after completing Level 3


“I’ve completed my level 3 about a year or so ago now and i’m looking to do another course just to keep progressing. I looked into level 5 but its a bit of a jump. I’ve looked at playwork but seems a bit pointless as i have covered a fair bit of it in the level 3. Any suggestions would be very useful!”



A –  There is a new Level 4 Advanced Practitioner qualification! Not sure why they stopped doing it in the first place but sensibly they’ve brought it back in.

A – I am currently studying a foundation degree in early years part time through the open university and I think it’s brilliant! Iv completed my first year and passed now I have started my second year. By the end of the 4 years I will be qualified level 5 and then I can carry on to level 6 and do more courses. Applied for a student loan to pay for the course.

A – I’ve done all the way up to my level 6 and it was the best decision. Your foundation degree is one year level four second year level 5 and it’s great for theory and practice, and actually knowing a little about management and it was only one unit helped me understand my bosses role and move on to room leader etc.

A – Level 4 is your next step however it is more managerial and if you’re just looking to stay as a hands on practitioner i would look at other courses. I’ve done a level 2 in understanding autism through the skills network and more recently a beginners course in Makaton, these are courses that widen my practice and keep my study head on, I feel it’s important to constantly try and improve your practice even if it’s not always in one field.

A – I was offered play work for free after completing my level 3…… See what your provider says as I’d recommend as lots of cross over,and you’ll finish in no time! But now I’ve completed that I also am interested in a further course,so any other suggestions welcomed.

A – I’d recommend the transition to playwork from NVQ3 too. It broadens your choice of jobs because a lot of places are now looking for some training in playwork. Plus you’ll have it completed very quickly.

A –  I went from my level 3 to my foundation degree ( level 5) n then my BA in integrated working with families n children didn’t find it a big jump. I signed up through ucas.

A – I’m currently doing my level 4 EYAP and it’s really good. I would definitely recommend going for it.

A –  I’m a TA and I have both a Level 3 in Supporting teaching and Play work. I did the Play work while working at an out of school club and it does give you a different view of looking at things and covers all ages of children. I’m now doing a foundation degree and it’s just a different way of writing things more academic based.

A – Foundation degree starts at level 4 first year then second year level 5 then after you’ve got option to top up with ba hons – I’m doing this now 3rd year in row.

A – We offer the NCFE CACHE level 4 for Early Years Advanced Practitioner at Bridgwater College now, it looks to be a fabulous course for experienced level 3 practitioners.

A – You should have to do a full course for play work it should only be a few modules as you have already covered it. It is fun course I would recommend it.

A – We deliver the new level 4 advanced practitioner in Devon and Cornwall through Cache.

A – im currently doing a SEND fundation degree but you need to have experence behind you as a practioner not just a student.

A –  I have completed a foundation degree and now doing my level 6 top up in edgehill uni.

A – You could do your level 4? Or do the foundation degree in early years.

A – I’d love to do the play specialist qualification on top of my level 3.

A –  I went from level 3 to level 5 and it wasn’t too much of a shock.

A –  Can u not do ur degree. Level 4 and 5 then do it BA (level 6).

A – Go for the foundation degree.. part time over 3 years. Very beneficial.

A  – Ive done my level 3 and then went straight into my level 5.

A – Foundation Degree which is 2 years 1st is level 4 then once completed is level 5.

A – Special needs seems the way to go after L3. There is a high demand.

A – Open university- Ba hons early years if from the UK. Isnt a jump at all as you start out at foundation degree level stuff.

A – A foundation degree is a great way to platform & enhance your learning (first hand experience).

A – I’m doing my Foundation Degree through the OU, just started my second year and it’s really good!

A – New level 4 advanced practitioner, look on the cache website, its only 5 units and is very reflective on your own practice.

A –  I finished my Honours BA last year after completing level 2, 3 and 4 over the previous 12 years. Having a bit of a break then will consider my next move. Would love to do the FD in SEND, an MA or Speech Therapy Diploma. Only thing with Speech Therapy is that it’s full time uni study with placements – not sure I could afford to lose my wage though.

A – Level 3 and 5 actually cross over quite a bit!


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6 thoughts on “Courses available after completing Level 3”

  1. Im doing a Level 3 Childcare and Education course starting this year. After i complete the course, what things can i do afterwards?

  2. Hi, I have completed my cache level 3 and 4 and would like to do my foundation degree to then move on to the Ba Hon

    I can’t find much information on how this all works! Does my level 4 count towards the level 5 shortening the course?

    Many thanks

    1. Yes the level 4 would be the next highest qualification however there would be other ways to upskill such as training in other areas etc.

  3. L am nneb TRAINNED but feel l need to update with early years l keep reading all the information but could you advise me on other courses to help as l have had six years break and have just started back in playgroup they are very kind but l fee l l am getting behind.

    1. Hi Sarah

      There aren’t many short courses around at the moment have you got a local county council that offer any courses that you could approach?

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