David Law expresses 30hrs free childcare scheme is nuts

30hrs free childcare scheme only benefits working parents

It is being expressed by David Law that that 30hrs free childcare scheme is unfair and only benefits the wealthy families. The question being asked is what about those disadvantaged children who would benefit from extra childcare hours but parents are not eligible.  David Law has openly said the 30hrs policy is nuts’ of which is nearly made him resign from the coalition. 

From September working parents of 3 and 4 years were entitled to 3ohrs of free childcare, these extras hours were only given to parents who did not have a household income of up to £199,998.  For families where only one parent is working, they are only entitled to 15 hours of free childcare. The current policy is penalising so many children who are in need of those extra hours.

With early education being important is being suggested by the childcare sector that government should invest more money to help reduce the attainment gaps between poor and wealthy children.  

Do you agree that there should be a stronger focus on improving the quality of early years education rather than the focus on accessing childcare?



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