Ways to develop relationships with customers.
If you would like your childcare business to become successful you need to concentrate on creating effective relationships with your customers. This can easily be forgotten which is a shame as these people are a crucial part of your marketing strategy. Happy customers are the ones who will recommend your nursery leading to a potential new customer.
Creating those effective relationships with your customers is everyone’s job not just front of house. Those working with the children directly play a significant part in creating those strong and effective relationships. Everyone needs to ensure they are being polite and friendly when approaching parents.
Here are a few top tips to help create those effective relationships with customers;
- Acknowledge parents if they acknowledge you, greet with a smile
- If parents approach you and you are sitting on the floor stand up if able to and greet them
- say hello and goodbye to all customers
- Provide answers to parents/customers queries in a polite manner
- Open doors to visitors
- Invite new customers into your room
- If answering the phone be polite and be professional
- When on the telephone let the customer know who they are talking to
Have you ever thought of creating a customer service policy, this can be a great way to share with your employees during an induction. This document can be as simple as explaining what employers expect from employees and how to approach customers