Early Years Foundation Stage publications

EYFS Statutory Framework

The Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory framework supports employees working in the early years sector. The principles and commitment help deliver quality early years education.

As the commitment and principles from the EYFS Statutory Framework are embed into every setting, children receive the same level of Early Years Education regardless of where they are. Parents

Available Documents: EYFS Statutory Framework

 Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

This non-statutory guidance material supports practitioners in implementing the statutory requirements of the EYFS. It helps adults to understand and support each individual child’s development.

The Development Matters can be used during every day practice, It can be used at any point to help observation, assessment and planning. Practitioners can use this document as a guide to help track and identify children’s development stages.

Practitioners must remember that the age/stage bands are only guides and must not be used as a tick sheet as children develop at different rates

Available document: Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters

What to expect, when?

A booklet has been designed to help parent/carers to understanding how their child is learning and developing through the first five years of their lives in relation to the EYFS. To help make it clear for parents the child’s first years have been divided up into six age bands which overlap, this is due to every child being different and developing at different rates.

Available document: What to expect, when?



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