Finalist for Nursery Food Award by Nursery World

Elmscot Day Nursery short-listed for Nursery Food Award

Nursery Food  Award

Elmscot Day Nursery has received a nomination for their provision of high quality nutritious meals. The nursery world awards recognise the hard work the team have put into providing an outstanding menu.  Jenna Holloway, Deputy Manager commented “As a company Elmscot prides itself on providing healthy, nutritional and delicious food. The chef, Mark Brooke, at Elmscot Day Nursery is more than just a chef; he is part of the nursery family being involved with cooking activities with the children and giving advice working on projects with the children to understand the seed to plate process. The children, parents and staff value his daily commitment to supporting healthy eating.

We feel that we provide excellent support to children and families in living a healthy lifestyle improving outcomes for children later in life. We not only provide a varied and cultured diet for the children but support all aspects of a healthy lifestyle from physical activity and hygiene routines to growing vegetables and herbs with the children to enjoy as part of our meals.

When we found out we were finalists for the Nursery Food Award we were extremely surprised but also proud that all of the approaches we take to supporting the families within our care and the process has been a lovely way to reflect on the extent of how much we do in this area. We were honoured to meet the judge Dr Patricia Mucavele who joined us for a day to observe and discuss our practice, sample some homemade food and offer words of wisdom from her fountain of knowledge. The whole process has been a wonderful experience and we are now excited to attend the ceremony in London to celebrate the achievement of coming this far.”




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