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First nursery in the UK to achieve platinum for people management

A nursery in Newmarket has been awarded platinum status for the way in which they manage their staff

The Old School House Nursery has achieved the unthinkable and become the first nursery in the UK to be awarded platinum status from Investors in People (IIP), an internationally recognised accreditation.

Practitioners from the Old School House nursery with the award

Investors in People awarded nursery the highest honour after assessors measured the setting’s performance against the nine indicators of the IIP standard. They carried out one to one interviews and received online feedback from practitioners who worked at the setting; alongside carrying out observational visits. The results from these found the setting to be ‘high performing’ across every category, and  deserving of the platinum title.

The staff members that were interviewed were shown to be very enthusiastic about their employment at the setting and they feel motivated to achieve and progress in their roles. The environment was described as ‘supportive’, with an ‘open and transparent culture’.

This accreditation is the highest awarded by IIP, with the report praising the supportive leadership, the individual attention given to each and every practitioner and the nursery’s focus on personal development.

It has been suggested that only 0.01% of businesses could achieve platinum status, making the award even more prestigious. The managers, staff and parents of the setting are very proud of all their hard work.


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