Getting the right support for children with SEND

A step by step guide in getting the right support for children with SEND

The new SEN Code of Practice emphasises on early support, this has replaced Early Action Plus. Nursery, parents and professionals should work together to ensure the child gets the necessary support they need.

If you have concerns that a child may need some extra support your step is to;

Steps 1

  • Gather evidence through a variety of observations
  • Talk to your SENCO

Step 2

Approach the parents about your concern as there may be a medical condition that you have not been notified of. Be respectful of parents wishes when approaching them regarding your concerns as this can be a daunting time for them

Step 3

Arrange a meeting with the parents, Key Person and SENCO. During this meeting agree on a plan of action using the assess, plan, do, review cycle. Set achievable targets for the child and record these on an IEP

If at this stage you decide that other agencies should be involved, contact them to see what help is available eg Speech and Language support

Arrange a review date

Step 4

Invite parents, key person, SENCO and any other professionals involved. During this meeting discuss how the child is progressing and what changes if any need to be made to their targets.

If the child is making progress continue the cycle ‘assess, plan, do, review cycle’ If at any point during this cycle you feel that the child isnt making progress and the targets aren’t being achieved then you can apply for a statutory assessment for an education health and care plan (EHC)

Step 5

Continuously liaise with parents, and the SENCO. Set regular review meetings and make changes to the child’s targets where necessary

Read this great book that will help your nursery SENCO embrace the SEND changes which came into force in Sept 2014, click here to purchase the book.



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