Guidance on how to interview applicants

Help with carrying out interviews

As interviews are part of your recruitment process ensure you are being fair and giving everyone a chance. You need to be aware of equality legislation at all times during all stages of your recruitment process. It is the employers duty to ensure that reasonable adjustments are offered to applicants who have disclosed they have a disability.

Decide on what your interview process will contain, this needs to be made clear to all applicants prior to the interviews. It is best practice to link the interviews process to the person specification.

Here is a list of tasks you make include in your interview process

  • Numeracy and literacy skills and function skill test- this is most effective when matched to the position eg deputy or manager.
  • Task- You may decide to ask applicants to prepare a task and present it at the interview. The task may involve their understanding of child development and the EYFS. Be clear about the task and give them set guidelines eg 10 minutes etc. You make decide on giving them a set task to answer eg Describe how you would deal with a child who is displaying inappropriate behaviour.

On the day of the interviews

  • Make all staff aware there are interview taking place where and at what time
  • Make sure the candidates are greeted in a friendly manner and are asked to sign in the visitor’s book.
  • Ask them if they would like a drink
  • Be prepared ensure you have all the necessary documents eg job description person specification, application form and questions to ask

During the interview

  • Give applicant time to answer the questions and repeat if requested
  • Ensure the questions are linked to person specification
  • It is best practice to ask if they have any convictions or cautions
  • Ensure you mention your commitment to safeguarding children safety and welfare.
  • Make sure questions asked enable practitioners to show case their skills and experience
  • It is important that questions related to safeguarding are asked.
  • You may want to find out which procedure they are aware of.
  •  Due to the equality act 2010 you may ask questions about health and disability but make sure this is done sensitvely.
  • Ask to see original certificates and identification checks and any evidence if applicants have the right to live and work in the UK
  • if you notice any gaps on their application form now is the time to ask those questions
  • Collect all information for references
  • Set a date for a working interview ( if applicable)

Once you have received feedback from the working trial and references have been returned, now is the time to make that final decision. Ensure you have followed a fair process and all is documented. Before applicant can start ensure they have an up to date enhanced DBS check.



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