Guidance on The Prevent of Duty

More information on The prevent of Duty

The Prevent of Duty came into force in July 2015, all school and childcare providers must comply with it. The Prevent of Duty is about preventing people being drawn into terrorism

The government has complied a document outlining how providers must comply with this duty, it defined extremism in the prevent strategy as ‘Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British Values.

For Early Years settings it will be about concentrating on children’s Personal, Social and Emotional Development and being alert to any concerning behaviour that could affect children’s opinions. As stated in the EYFS childcare providers must keep children safe and promote their welfare. In order to keep children safe early years practitioners must be alert to any safeguarding issues in the child’s life at home. Therefore it is important that all practitioners attend Safeguarding training; this is to help give them the necessary knowledge of signs and symptoms of child abuse and what to do if concerned about a child.

As the new Common Inspection Framework implemented in September 2015 makes reference to the Prevent Duty it is important that providers demonstrate how they are complying with this duty 

The prevent Duty- Basic Guide



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