High quality education leads to better start in life

Attending preschool education leads to further education

For children who have attended a Pre School settings are more likely to further their career by going onto sixth form and sitting those important AS and A-level exams. This research has come from Oxford University.

Principal investigator at the University of Oxford’s Department of Education, Professor Pamela Sammons, said: “Our findings reveal that pre-school boosts a child’s chances of doing well at school and going on to take advanced level examinations. This is important because AS and A-levels are a prerequisite for most university and college courses.

However we need to understand that not all children are fortunate enough to get the same educational experiences at home and hopefully with the new introduction of the increased free childcare hours this may help those children.

The research talks about the interaction parents have with their children and how reading to them and taking them on educational visits can have an effect on their achievement levels up to the age of 18.

Kathy Sylva, Professor of educational psychology at Oxford University, added: “We think that high-quality early education makes the child a more effective learner – not just better at letters and numbers. High-quality education turns the child onto learning.”

What do people think about this? Do you agree that if children attend pre school education they are more likely to go onto sitting those important exams.?



1 thought on “High quality education leads to better start in life”

  1. Both my children attended a pre school nursery….best thing I have done! It gives them the social skills they need,develops their learning and confidence (just to name a few). Totally agree with this!

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