Information to display for an Ofsted inspection

During an Ofsted inspection,  be confident and talk through with the inspector what is displayed on your notice board, the inspector will ask questions and will note down any evidence of best practice. Ensure you regularly update display boards and ensure the information is relevant.

Some helpful suggestions of what to display on your notice board.

  1. Safeguarding Children (Child Protection) referral Flow chart.
  2. Depending on your local authority there may have other Safeguarding posters to display around your setting, however for best practice display these on your notice board aswell for example  A poster called  ‘Worried about a child leaflet’
  3. Photograph and Full Name of your Nursery’s Child Protection Officer.
  4. Photograph and Full Name of your SENCO in your setting
  5. If your setting has any other qualified practitioners in particular areas for example Speech and Language Champions, add a photo and name of these practitioners.
  6. Display some useful leaflets that may help parents eg help with toilet training, leaflets on children’s Speech and Language Development.
  7. An explanation of any multi agencies/professionals that may visit your setting for example Speech and Language Therapists, Integrated Disability Service, if possible add a photo of these professionals.
  8. To demonstrate an inclusive practice add some useful widget symbols that you use in the setting to help children with Special Education Needs and Children with English as a Second Language.
  9. Depending on the set up of your setting display your daily routine.
  10. There may certain policies and procedures you may want to display for example Children’s illnesses and exclusion periods, Admissions policy, Social Media policy.

This list is just a few suggestions, there may be other pieces of information you feel is important to display. Having documentation and information easily accessible is what Ofsted like to see, so ensure that the information that is displayed is relevant and informative to your audience.

We hope this information helps and please leave us some comments.




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