Installing webcams in nurseries

What are people’s views on nurseries having webcams?

There are many nurseries up and down the country who have had webcams installed,  in most cases this allows parents to view what is happening in the nursery at any time. However could having webcams installed show a lack of trust between nursery and parents?

Webcam systems enable parent to log into a secure system and watch live footage of their child, this can be viewed on all devices such as mobile phones. For parents it provides them with the opportunity to see what their child is getting up and to see that they are happily playing.

When the time comes to starting children at nursery it can be a very stressful and an upsetting time for parents as it can take a few weeks before child is settled. Therefore being able to use the webcam to check up on them reassures parents that their child is beginning to settle.

As webcams are a great tool for parents, what about the practitioners right to be permanently being watched? Will practitioner’s behaviour change? For some practitioners it can be very daunting knowing you are being watched, it can make them feel very uncomfortable.

On the other side you can say it provides security for the nursery and practitioners as it can help resolve any misunderstandings around unfair accusations.

When deciding on installing a webcam system it is advised to look into all legal considerations eg collating permissions from all employees and parents. The information shared through this system is very sensitive especially in regard to safeguarding children’s welfare and safety, this is why it is highly important parents and new families sign a consent form to allow the nursery to show live images of their child.

Depending on what system you decide to install will determine what other benefits come with this system, some nurseries have a system in the office showing all rooms of the nursery. This allows the nursery manager or whoever is in the office to see which child has been collected and to also monitor best practice.

What are you views on having webcams installed and does your nursery have one?









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