An interactive way to help early years staff understand FGM
To help nurseries, children centres and schools tackle FMG; Bloodlines are travelling are the county to deliver FGM training. The training delivered is carried out in the form of an interactive play.
The play (Bloodlines) will help professionals recognise and respond to cases of FGM; it will also help them deal with any difficult issues around this subject. It is also aimed at giving professionals a different perspective and it talks about early warning signs and how to approach parents and carers if they are concerned.
The training will consist of a theatre play in the morning and a discussion type seminar in the afternoon
For more information and details about how to book a place, please visit here
Female Genital mutilation is becoming commonly know; it is professionals responsibility to notice any signs and contact the right helpline. FGM is where young girls are subject to a horrific procedure where their female genitals are deliberately cut, injured or changed. This procedure is said to be done for cultural and religious reasons. It is, however, illegal in the UK.
How else can early years staff be informed of FGM
It is important that managers of childcare settings make all staff aware of FGM, this can be done in the form of completing an online awareness training and displaying a poster within your staff room
For more information and details about how to book a place, please visit or email [email protected]