Managers interview questions

Interview questions for Managers position

Here is some interview questions to help you during an interview, the questions may need adjusting according to your setting.

  • Tell us about your childcare experience in the past or present, highlighting any managerial experience you have had.
  • Why have you applied for this position and why do you think you’ll be the right candidate?
  • What have you done in the last twelve months to improve safeguarding of children in the workplace?
  • Have you had to deal with any safeguarding concerns/issues?
  • Do you have any safeguarding training eg Designated child protection lead?
  • How have you previously demonstrated your commitment to supporting anti-discriminatory practice?
  • How would implement and demonstrate British values in the setting?
  • Explain how have you previously generated effective partnerships with parents/carers?
  • Have you worked with other external agencies or professionals, give us some examples of these?
  • Give us an example of how you would be supportive and challenge staff practice?
  • Explain your knowledge of the Early Years Foundation Stage?
  • Have you had any experience of being involved in an Ofsted inspection?
  • Do you have knowledge of Ofsted legal requirements, can you give us some examples of these?
  • How would you ensure health and safety guidelines are adhered to in the setting?
  • Give us some examples of how you would monitor and evaluate staff practice and the environment?
  • How would you ensure that you keep up to date with early years developments?
  • If a parent made a complaint about a fellow member of staff or a child, what would you do?
  • What do you feel you could bring to the role in special interests and skills?
  • In your opinion what makes a good manager/supervisor?
  • Can you give me a specific example of when you have dealt with a disciplinary/grievance issue relating to the staff at your setting?
  • When employing new staff, what safer recruitment procedures would you put in place?
  • How would you ensure staff are continuously updating their CPD

These are just some examples of questions, you may want to ask specific questions relating to their job specification eg finances, ordering of stock etc.



1 thought on “Managers interview questions”

  1. kamsathvane thayaparan

    What question will you be getting for your childcare course interview. I would like to know more about it and how long it will take to go through.

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