Managing your nursery team

Your nursery team is one of the crucial elements of a successful nursery. If practitioners are not happy in their job this can have an effect on their job performance and both parents and children with be affected by this. As your team is constantly having contact with parents and children, of which parents are the ones paying a fee to have their children at your nursery, it is highly important to manage your team to create a strong workforce.

Here are some tips to follow to help manage your nursery team:

Have regular contact

  • Being in contact with your team is a great way to show to them that you are interested in what they are doing and have to say. This will develop trust between both parties.

Up to date training

  • Your team needs to be kept up to date with latest procedures and legislation as these are important in ensuring nursery runs properly. As a manager identify who needs training in your setting and also look at what training and development needs your nursery requires.

Plan ahead

  • Have a rota in place to help you and others know from day to day who is working where and when, this will allow you to prepare cover in case people phone in sick.

Delegate jobs

  • Offering jobs to your team will help them feel appreciated and develop their self esteem. Delegating is also important as it allows you to concentrate on other parts of your job.

Communicate with your team

  • Effective communication is key to managing a team, finding time to communicate with everyone can be difficult however by finding just a few minutes to talk to your team will provide you with a strong team.

Policies and procedures

  • Having policies and procedure will help your nursery run smoothly. They set out what is expected of the team, the most important part is ensuring your team are aware of them.

Open door approach

  • Let your team know that you are there for them if they have an issue or just want to talk things over



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