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Mini beast small world play

An example of a mini beast small world play activity

As children love exploring what they can find hidden under or inside objects, why not involve this in a mini beast small world play activity. Have a look what you can find around your nursery to help create this, don’t forget to look outside for some wooden logs or twigs. Why not involve the children in searching for resources you could take then on a walk to the local park to gather some logs or even go in search of resources in your nursery garden. Involving children will help develop their self-esteem and gives them responsibilities of which children relish in being given.

Using either a tuff spot try or a deep sand tray fill this with sawdust or you could use soil and then add your other resources such as wooden logs, branches and other wooden objects. Add your mini-beasts or small world animals and then let the fun begin.

Learning all about mini beasts

The children will enjoy looking under the wooden logs and digging in the sawdust to see what is hidden. Providing children with resources to hide the animals in allows them to use props to support their play.

Hiding the spider under the log

Many ideas can be extended from activities like these, for example why not go on a mini-beast hunt in the garden using real tools to dig with or introduce books around mini beasts into your book corner for children to share with an adult.

We would love to see your small world activities so please share them with us!


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