More call for nursery teachers in Northampton

Nursery teachers needed in Northampton after best ever Ofsted results

Northampton are in need of high quality staff to join nurseries- helping to further the improvement of the early years education sector.

Across the East Midlands figures have gone up by 18 per cent from 2010 in regards to the amount of early years providers that are outstanding.

There are a lot of bursaries to help get young people into training and allowing graduates to work with young children. Nursery workers are also advised to train as their fees will be paid for and employers will recieve funding to support this.

Nicola Cook, 32, an Early Years Practitioner at Boughton School, Northampton, said: “I was thinking of changing my career for some time and wanted to do something where I could make a positive impact on people’s lives.I wanted to make sure I got the best level of training available, offering a higher level that specialised in young children’s development – and Early Years Teacher Training seemed like the best option.”

There are four training providers across Northampton, including the University of Northampton, which offer early years teacher training. training courses for graduates are usually a year and can be full time or part-time. Additionally, there is the undergraduate route that takes 3 or 4 years.

The Get into Teaching campaign led by the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) is calling for more early years teachers in Northampton.

Charlie Taylor, Chief Executive of NCTL, said: “We know that the quality of early education is higher when practice is led by an early years teacher. In order to ensure we continue to give the very youngest children in our communities the best start in life and continue to develop the workforce, we need more excellent early years teachers joining the profession.




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