Early Years Careers

National Children’s Day UK 2016

The focus of National Children’s Day UK 2016 is the importance of a healthy childhood


The National Children’s Day UK 2016 will also look closely at the importance of adult wellbeing to the child’s being. The annual celebration will take place on the 15 May, the theme this year is ‘ mindful, heartful childhood’.

The National Children’s Day UK 2016 is organised by Save Childhood Movement; the aim is to encourage as many people to plan and organise events and activities that celebrate children’s rights

Wendy Ellyatt, chief executive of the Save Childhood Movement, said, ‘National Children’s Day UK is all about celebrating the rights and freedoms of childhood – but children need the company of loving and attentive adults who have the time and energy to share their worlds. ‘Parents and teachers need more support and we hope that this year’s NCDUK will help to raise awareness about the importance of adult wellbeing, the impact of social inequality and the need to achieve a healthy work/life balance.’

Joining this year’s celebrations are the Parent Infant Partnership (PIP UK), headspace.com, the Mindfulness in Schools Project, PACEY, the Pre-school Learning Alliance, and the Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship.

The childhood Trust a charity to help alleviate the impact of child poverty are also joining this year’s National Children’s Day UK. Their ‘Summer Give’ away campaign will begin at midday on the May 16th. All donations made will be doubled and given to partnership projects such as the National Children’s Day UK 2016

Ms Ellyatt said, ‘We are delighted to be partnering with the Childhood Trust for this year’s NCDUK and hope that the initiative will rapidly grow to be a national platform alleviating the impact of child poverty.

To join in this year’s event why not organise an event or activities for everyone to join in including parents.

Download resources and register to take part at www.nationalchildrensdayuk.com

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