Nominated for ‘Provision for Two year olds’ Nursery award

Nursery settings nominated for the Nursery award “Provision for Two year olds’

Nursery Awards

Kidspiration Childcare and Education, Leeds has worked hard to provide the highest quality care and education to children and have recently been recognised for their efforts. The nursery has been nominated for ‘Provision for Two year olds’ award at the Nursery World Awards to be held in London this September. Rebecca Elliot Nursery manager was quoted to say ‘this is a tremendous achievement and acknowledgement for the children, family’s practitioners and professionals and everyone else who we work with’.

Nursery award

Based from the annex at Cobden Primary School in Leeds the nursery provides quality care for two to three year olds. The nursery is open during term time and holds morning and afternoon sessions but also can offer the flexibility of all day sessions

Swineshead Pre School in Boston, Lincolnshire has been nominated in the Nursery World awards for an award in the ‘Provision for Two Year Olds’ category.  The nursery is based in a purpose built one story building. The children have their own age appropriate areas these areas are named the leopard room and lion room. There is also a well equipped outside play area for children to explore and learn. Carolyn Fletcher is the manager there and shares the limelight with her team of dedicated and experienced staff. The team hope to attend the awards on the 26th September in London.


Nursery Awards



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