Nursery schools face closure due to funding cuts

Maintained nursery schools face closure within the next few months


According to a recent survey, one in ten nursery schools faces closure due to funding cuts. These nursery schools target vulnerable children that come from difficult backgrounds, facing closure will mean these children will lose out on early education. 

Figures state that 45 nursery school believe they will close their doors by July and around 67% say they will become unsustainable once funding finishes.

Nursery schools up down the country offer children high-quality education to children who come from deprived areas; these providers are rated good or outstanding by Ofsted, so why help save them?

Nursery schools face closure due to the Government’s new early years funding formula that comes into effect in April; this will reduce nursery schools income  The new early years funding formula is to support the 30hr free childcare scheme. 

To ease the financial crisis for nursery schools the government will invest £56 in transitional funding for the next three years, however, according to Nursery Schools, they are more worried about the long-term sustainability of the sector.

What can be done to help save nursery schools?



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