What is the reasoning behind Ofsted removing inspection dates on their logos?
Many people are wondering why Ofsted have decided to remove inspection dates off logos, is this because it shows a gap between inspections.
New logos were recently released for Outstanding and Good providers, these are be used for promotional marketing purposes. The question many people are asking is what about inspections dates and why have these been removed, leading to people assuming this is because it doesn’t want to highlight to people the gap between inspections.
Showing consecutive outstanding grades is for many providers essential, as this shows parents and prospective parents that the quality of care has been consistent.
In the past providers have used unofficial good logos to promote their grade, therefore new logos for outstanding and good gradings have been created. However, inspection dates on the new logos have disappeared.
Deborah says
I think it’s because the focus is now on more frequent inspections for those providers who are inadequate or requires improvement, so yes, good and outstanding providers will be seen less often. This should be a badge of pride – not a whinge that they ‘need’ another outstanding judgement to prove to parents they still are – it should be plainly evident to parents!!!