Practitioner workshop about Ofsted inspection

Creating that all important meeting with staff about Ofsted visit

If your Ofsted inspection is coming up soon why not arrange a practitioner workshop to discuss this further. Prior to this meeting set an agenda that you want to cover, however make this meeting interactive as this is a great way for team members to retain information that is discussed.

Also a good suggestion is to ask practitioners what their worries are about the Ofsted inspection and tailor this into your agenda.

Here are a few things you may want to discuss in your practitioner workshop;

  • Who the designated safeguarding lead person is and what the procedure is in logging a safeguarding concern.
  • Signs of child abuse
  • What the behaviour management policy and procedure is
  • What the system for recording children’s development IS – ask practitioners if they feel confident in talking about this to the inspector
  • How children’s starting points are evidenced
  • Discuss what will happen during the joint observation carried out by the manager and Ofsted inspector
  • What the Prime and specific areas are and how these are covered in the planning
  • How children’s next steps are documented and achieved
  • The involvement of parents and how they play an active role in their child’s learning and development.
  • What evidence you have to show that the gap is narrowing for disadvantaged children and children who require extra support
  • Discuss with the team about being confident when talking to the inspector
  • Talk about sharing the nurseries achievements with the inspector- be proud of what you have achieved
  • Discuss how the characteristics of effective learning are incorporated into the planning/ routine.
  • Discuss how information is share with children’s other settings

The above list are just a few suggestions to cover in your meeting, you may want to concentrate on particular ones. With regard to some of the points eg talking about the prime and specific areas. Why not ask the team to get into groups and write on a piece of paper what activities they offer children to support each of the prime and specific areas of leaning. This interactive activity will help practitioners think about what they are offering children and the purpose of this. You could also ask the team to discuss the signs of child abuse and what they would do if they have a concern.

This meeting will give you the opportunity to refresh on certain areas and hopefully the team will leave the meeting feeling less anxious and more confident. Building your teams confident is important and showing as a manager that you value them is also deeply important. Having that strong unit that believes in themselves is a big step towards achieving that top award.

Finish this meeting on a positive and remind all staff that the office is door is always open if they want to discuss or ask anything else.



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