Will the rise in the free 30hrs childcare affect the quality of food you provide?
Early years providers are left uncertain as to how the increase of hours is going to affect the quality of food they offer. Some settings are going to struggle to provide that nutritious food with the funding they receive. The lack of funding will not for many settings cover the cost of providing a hot meal for those children taking up the free 30hrs childcare. For many settings this leaves the question of what to do, as many nurseries have a strict policy about foods from home being brought into nurseries, this is due to children’s allergies who attend nursery.
For those settings that are able to offer packed lunches will have to ask parents to provide a packed lunch, but will these parents be in a position to provide these and will they be of a nutritious meal.
Many childcare providers are very unclear as to whether the funding for the free 30hrs childcare includes the cost of providing meals.
There will also be other challenges to consider. Time may become an issue especially for those who prepare the meals themselves. The big challenge will be the rise in the cost of ingredients and again who will be paying for this. Will nurseries see an impact on the quality of food they provide and for many nurseries this is the last thing they want to see?