Early Years Sector NOT Recognised Under Self Isolation Exemption

The government has not recognised the early years and child care sector despite its vital role in keeping the UK economy moving. Without childcare, many working families cannot work, which will have a knock-on effect on many other aspects of everyday life.

The updated test trace guidelines for the workplace have been published, which identifies critical sectors that will be exempt from self-isolating should a workforce member come into contact with a positive case of Covid-19.

However, the government policy also states that “In some exceptional cases there may be critical roles in sectors not listed… which meet the criteria. These will be agreed upon on a case-by-case basis. Where employers think this applies, they should contact the government department with responsibility for their sector.”

Government Ministers are being pressured to include early years workers in the list of critical services and are also asking questions as to why they were left off the critical services list in the first place.

At Early Years Careers, we are hearing about many nurseries that are having to close due to staff having to self isolate, which is putting a significant strain on the nurseries and childcare providers. The loss of income and the forever ongoing costs of running these settings are a lot of stress for all involved.

Has your nursery or early years setting been closed? 

Do you agree that the government should add early years to the critical workers’ list?

If you would like to read the updated guidleines then they are here.

Please leave your comments and expereinces below.



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