Smacking children to be banned in Scotland

Scotland to introduce a ban on smacking children

Scottish Government are to introduce a ban on smacking children. Scotland is the first part of the UK to go ahead with this move. The definition of smacking has caused many debates over the years and with many ministers confirming they did not support the smacking of children there have however been no plans to ban this. It has now been confirmed that Scottish Government are to implement their own legislation and remove the law which allows parents to use physical punishment ( justifiable assault). By removing this law it will give children the same protection as adults.

 A proposed bill was put forward by Green MSP John Finnie in Scottish parliament in May 2017. Ministers are now working to implement this bill which will give children “equal protection from assault”.

Many people would like to see a ban on smacking children across the rest of the UK. This move would be welcomed by the Children’s Commissioner for England and the NSPCC. it has been expressed by both parties that the rest of the UK should follow Scotland’s move to ban smacking children, providing quality and fairness for children.

It is believed physical punishment on children can have a negative effect on them. The pain inflicted on a child will not go away it will be a lasting memory that will live with them for many years. 

Do you agree smacking children should be banned in rest of the UK?



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