The Special Educational Needs Coordinator-SENCO

Each early education setting will need to identify a member of staff to act as the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator or SENCO

The SENCO’s role is to support and advise all the staff with all issues relating to SEND and inclusion.

The SENCO will:

1. Be familiar with the SEND Code of Practice

2. Be responsible for the SEND policy and all SEND issues in the setting.

3. Be the point of contact for all staff to discuss any SEND issues

4. Set up and maintain the SEND register

5. Work closely with Key Person to help write children’s IEP’s

6. Liaise with outside professionals.

7.Keep up to date with local national changes in SEND practice and provision and keep all staff informed.

8.Keep up to date with SENCO training

Below are some points to consider when being a SENCO

1. Do you review your policy every Year?

2.Do all the staff know what is in the policy and what their responsibilities are?

3.Can staff discuss with you any children who they are concerned about?

4. Are all staff aware of how they should be working with children on the SEN register?

5.When people have been on training how do they share new ideas and knowledge?

6.Do parents know who you are?

7.Have you written the IEP?

8.Are the children observed regularly?

9. Are EYFS and IEP records updated regularly?

10.Do you attend training?

For an example of a SENCO Job Description CLICK HERE



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