Top 10 ways to fundraise in the Early Years

Top 10 ways to fundraise in the Early Years

Fundraising is an important part of any community and something taken very seriously in the UK. It is important to help support local and wider charities and causes as much as possible. Fundraising opportunities can have a massive impact on the wider community and hold many benefits for the children. The children have an amazing time getting involved; it can create strong parent partnerships , generate awareness of particular causes, show support and compassion, boost esteem and importantly make a difference. There are many ways the Early Years can fundraise some involve large projects and campaigns such as children in need  , others may be smaller causes such as local charities, personal causes if someone who attends the setting is suffering or has a loved one who is suffering or supports an important cause. There are many possibilities and these can be great fun to help support.

raising funds in the Early Years

Top fundraising activities include:

1.       Cake sales – Get everyone involved in making cakes including practitioners, children, parents, careers, grandparents etc… These can be sold in reception areas or staff rooms for small donations to help support any cause the setting feels is important

2.       Coffee Mornings – Invites parents, careers, grandparents, aunties and uncles in for a coffee morning. Maybe the settings SENDCO could be on hand to offer advice about behaviour or practitioners taking part in the coffee morning to offer advice on potty training or weaning etc. These are nice ways to fundraise, build partnerships and discuss any concerns the parents may have

3.       Fayres and fetes – Ask everyone to get involved in holding stalls, making donations and attending. Great ways to get the community involved, make some money towards important causes, great fun for the children and can offer a wealth of developmental opportunities

4.       Sponsored sing-a-thons, walks, messy plays etc. – The children love taking part in anything sponsored and often family and friends are willing to make small donations towards good causes. These can be based around an particular strong interests the children may have for example you may have lots of children who are particularly interested in expressive arts and dancing so you may hold a sponsored dance.

5.       Donations – Making up boxes and baskets full of donations to take to local food banks, shoe boxes to support soldiers or children in need. These can be built up over any period of time, they are great for raising awareness and the setting can instantly see the difference that is being made when the donations are delivered or sent.

raising money in the early years

6.       Dressing up – Dressing up in silly clothes, jeans, spots, messy hair etc. there are many large charities which often encourage childcare settings and schools to get involved and make small donations and get the children to dress up. These also raise a lot of awareness of good causes.

7.       Donation pots – having money pots for any charities or causes in reception areas or in office spaces where parents pay fees. These penny pots can be filled up with loose change at the parents wish without any incentive or feeling pressured into making donations. Every little helps regardless of how long it takes to fill the pot.

8.       Raffles – Sell raffle tickets to win small prizes, you can ask parents to make donations, get children to create things to sell or get in touch with local businesses to see if they will help support your causes.

9.       Have fun – Fundraising is all about having fun, boosting esteem and making a difference. The children can benefit in so many ways through participating in fund raising events and can really help the setting to form a sense of community and partnership. Having fun is always important to fundraising

10.   Raise awareness – Even if no money or a very small amount is collected simply raising awareness is important. It helps people to feel understood and supported and can help with future fundraising campaigns.



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