Use Christmas to focus on Mark making

 Ideas on how to use Christmas to focus on mark making

Christmas is the time where children can be writing letters to Father Christmas or Christmas cards to their loved ones or designing their own bauble. There are many other mark making opportunities that can be incorporated into the learning environment. Let’s take a look at some of the ideas

Role play idea

Why not look at changing your role play area into a

  1. Post office- include telephones, paper, pens, envelopes and post box( might need to make one), stamps, ink pads and stampers, post bag, weighting scales, brown paper, sticky labels.

Mark making activities

  • Letters to Father Christmas- Provide children with the resources eg paper, pens, envelopes, stamps, support the children in writing their names etc.
  • Christmas cards- Either provide children with Christmas cards or help them make one, support them in writing inside the card.
  • Present labels- Paper, card, pens, crayons etc
  • Place mat for Christmas dinner- Paper, card, Pens, crayons
  • Christmas cracker with a message inside- Using a cardboard tube decorate with crepe paper and inside add a message that the children have written. or drawn- may need adult support
  • Designing own bauble- using different shapes of cardboard support the children in decorating their bauble using a range of mark making implement’s
  • Drawing Father Christmas Map- Talk to the children about where Father Christmas may be travelling on Christmas Eve, help them make a map of how Father Christmas can  get to their house.
  • Invitation to parents about Christmas play/concert- Why not get the children to make their own invitation to their loved ones inviting them to the Christmas concert/play
  • Making Santa stop here signs- let the children be creative with this using paint, collage materials etc.
  • Tuff spot with shaving foam- making marks in the shaving foam – add penguins, polar bears etc
  • Add peppermint essence to corn flour and water- great activity to make makes in.

These are just a few ideas why not share your ideas with us by adding your comments.











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