Using ICT Digital cameras in Early Years Settings

Ideas on using ICT digital cameras with children

Using digital cameras is a great way for children to capture those special moments and be at the centre of their learning. All children love looking back on photos of themselves. It is also a great way to develop those language skills by holding conversations about the photos.

As ICT is a part of the Early Years Foundation Stage Ofsted like to see how settings are offering children the use of ICT equipment. Having digital cameras easily accessible for children to use enables them to capture images of their choice. Having digital cameras that are easy to use with simple features allows children to freely use the camera without support. However with support there is no reason why young children cannot use the cameras.

Here are a few ideas of how digital cameras can be used in the nursery environment

  • Using the digital camera create a self registration board using photos of each child.
  • Make pictures for children’s drawers and pegs.
  • Find time to look back through the photos on the camera with a group of children – this is great discussion opportunity
  • Invest in some talking photo cards.
  • Make a scrap book for each child containing photos – some settings use the child’s learning journey to add these too.
  • Invest in some talking photo albums– send these home for children to share photos with their families.
  • At the beginning of the term create an ‘All about me book, let the children use the digital cameras to take pictures of what they like at nursery.
  • Use visual photos to create your golden rules eg let a child take a picture of children walking in nursery etc
  • Use a digital photo frame to display the photos taken as a slideshow
  • At the end of each day or week display some photos on the door to show what the children have been learning.
  • Take a picture of each child and put a magnetic strip or Velcro on the back. Add these photos to your book area, children will be able to include themselves and their friends on a story board.

To help children become confident and independent in using a camera, make sure they are shown how to use them in the correct way and make sure they are readily available to use.





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