What you need to know about safeguarding changes

Up to date knowledge of Safeguarding changes

As Ofsted will be inspecting how the setting safeguards children and adults, it is imperative that everyone working in childcare especially the manager is aware of the current changes.

During an Ofsted inspection, the inspector will use the document, Inspecting Safeguarding in Early Years, Education. This document explains what the inspector will look out for under the new Common Inspection Framework. The Inspecting Safeguarding in Early Years, Education and Skills document was updated in June, therefore take a look at the recent changes as there are new additions to the document that managers should be aware of.

Here is an explanation of the changes made to the Inspecting Safeguarding in Early Years, Education and Skills document

Designated Safeguarding Officer

  • Designated Safeguarding officer available at all times during opening hours
  • Safeguarding Training every two years and a refresher course annually

It is recommended that a large nursery has more than one Designated Safeguarding Officer, this is to ensure that one person is on site at all times.

Safeguarding Training

  • All staff and leaders to receive regular updates on safeguarding at least annually

Staff behaviour policy

Many settings already have policies that contain information on staff behaviour, such as a mobile phone policy, code of conduct policy. It is important that managers can confidently talk to the inspector about these policies. However, it can be more beneficial to have all information relating to staff in one policy rather than across numerous policies.

The Prevent Duty

During an inspection, the inspector will talk to staff and judge whether they have knowledge on the subject ‘The Prevent Duty. They will also check your policies and procedures.  It is down to managers to ensure that practitioners are fully aware of their role and the procedures to take when there may be a concern about radicalisation or terrorism.

New reference to, including the risks of peer on peer abuse, the child protection policy

Your safeguarding policy should include the risk of peer on peer abuse. It is the manager’s job to ensure all employees are aware of the policies and procedures.

Female Genital Mutilation.

All workers working in childcare should be fully aware of Female Genital Mutilation and understand that it is a form of abuse. Everyone should know what to do if they suspect this has happened.

Appropriate filters and monitoring systems in place – Online Safety

It is important when using technology, such as tablets ipads etc, that there are filters and systems in place to safeguard children and adults from harmful online material.



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