Why should you carry out exit interviews?

Exit interviews can be a valuable tool in running a successful business

When an employee decides to leave the company, exit interviews are a great way to gain additional knowledge about your setting and build staff retention. Some managers may not approach the staff member after they have handed in their notice, or others will use an exit questionnaire instead. However interviews allow the manager and employee to have an open and honest discussion about their reasons for leaving and how they feel moving forward. It is a good idea to carry out the interview quite soon after the employee has handed in their notice, as leaving it until the end of their notice period you may find the employee to be disengaged.

exit interviews can build confidence

Here are 3 reasons why you should use exit interviews with your leaving employees.

Lowering staff turnover

You may find that a handful of staff are leaving around the same time, is there a reason for this? Exit interviews are useful in finding out the root cause of employees choosing to leave. Their reasons may be as simple as a house move or a change of career path however it could also be down to factors that you have control over such as pay or morale. Any information you can gather on will benefit existing and future employees and improve staff retention.

Understanding your team

Having an insight into how the staff team works, any issues that are causing problems and any problems that may have been missed by management, can all be highlighted in an exit interview. Gaining feedback from employees that are leaving the business will help you to understand how the staff team works. An employee that has decided to leave will often be more honest and forthcoming with information than a member of staff who is still employed, so it is a great opportunity for managers to try and deal with any issues.

Appreciating your employees

Carrying out an exit interview is a great way to show appreciation to a staff member for the hard work during their time with the company. It can make employees feel valued and will project a positive image of the company. If the employee is moving on to another childcare setting or company they will continue to have an relationship with your target audience, so it is important that the employee leaves with a positive feeling about the company.



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