Making gloop in Pre School

Pre School activity learning and about cause and effect

Making gloop with pre school children
Mixing ingredients together

As Pre School children are fascinated about why and how things work why not let them experiment by mixing cornflour and water together. It can be quite easy for adults to automatically prepare the activity but in this instance, the Pre School children will learn more by them carry out the activity from start to finish.


  • #tuffspot tray
  • Box of cornflour
  • Jug of water

Talk to the children about the activity and ask them questions about what might happen when the ingredients are mixed together. Use the right language to support this activity and give children plenty of time to explore and investigate. This activity will create many discussions and will allow the children to see firsthand what happens when they get mixing.

Pre school children mixing cornflour and water together
Making gloop

Adults role

During this activity, the adult’s role is to support the children and assist when needed.  As Pre School, children are inquisitive about how things work this makes this activity ideal. Don’t forget to make observations and evaluate these after the activity.

Listening to the children’s conversations will give you plenty of evidence as to what children are thinking. Using the children’s thought and theories will enable you to steer the learning and allow you to use effective questioning.

This activity can be experienced by all ages of children not just Pre School children. It is a great sensory activity for younger children whereas the older children will enjoy making the gloop as opposed to the younger exploring the texture of the mixture. Why not extend this activity further by adding food colouring, this will enable the children to watch how the colours mix with the ingredients to form a block of colour.

As this activity creates endless play opportunities why not add pots and pans and utensils and sit back and watch the children make your dinner. Or instead of pots and pans why not add arctic animals and take the children on a journey to the Antarctic.

Why not they this activity in your Pre School room and send us some photos!



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