Communication and language activities for babies

Q – “Do you know any good activities for babies for communication and language one to one and half and most of them have very little speech!”


A – “Simple interaction, songs, books, single words, face to face Why interacting with babies is so important ”

A – “Some more helpful tips here too How can you build interaction in your baby room?

A – “Old MC Donald had a farm song. Mainly encouraging children to do animal sounds. Picture books again encourage single words or word recognition “can you find the cup etc” Singing any songs will help massively. Use family photos (make a album with all childrens photos) look at it. Encourage naming “mum, dad, dog etc”.”

A – “Using Makaton signs with speech really helps early language development”

A – “Singing, expressive reading, hand actions with words such as babysign.”

A – “That’s not my…. Repetitive with the theme and textures keep them interested”

A – “Props for singing – we use ones they can handle e.g. Knitted spacemen, ducks, small coloured sheer voiles”

A – “A basket of items to tickle them with, pastry brush, feather, etc”



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