What questions can i include in a quiz about knowing your key children?


Q – “”I want to make a quiz for my staff about their key children, the aim is to see how well they know the children without looking back at tracking. Ideas for questions would be great!””


A – “Child’s next steps, how are these being planned and supported, what sessions do they attend, comforters, age in months, culture/religion, home language”

A – “What kind of home do they have and does it have a garden? How often do they go to the park/ride their bike or scooter? Do they have a pet? What is the child’s interest and how do they know? Do they have any parents/children that they are struggling to engage? What are they learning or developing at home?”

A – “The age of their youngest key child and their oldest, preferred learning styles linked to coel, current stage of development in all areas of learning and dev, family cultures eg; home language, EAL, any concerns regarding safeguarding or SEND and current focuses/ next steps.”

A – “What makes them happy?  What is most special to them?  What are they afraid of? How do you calm them if they are upset? What do they find most challenging? Each answer should be unique to each child”

A – “What were they working towards when entering the setting/ what were the first next steps you set for the child? (Ofsted recently asked me these questions about one of my key children)  what was their starting points? What age and stages are they in now?”

A – “We ask them to write down what is working well, what they find challenging and what they know best about the child, and with the parent for each key child as supports them to think and evaluate”

A – “Three stars that they are good at/can do etc and one wish that child need to work on. Can repeat the same for all key children”

A – “What are their favourite types of toys?

What would be their favourite activities?  Do they have any SEN? Or any things they need support with? Describe. Any background information e.g. Dietary needs due to religion. Who do they have closest bonds with in the setting? (Friends/ staff)  What are their personal strengths – could ask this for the different areas of learning? What are their next steps – in each area of learning?  Hope my ideas of any help to you.”

A – “Key interests, if they are pupil premium? speech, RH/LH ?”



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