Q – I have currently been promoted as a room leader of a two year room and wanted to know some of the different ideas of what resources, routines and activities other people use within their 2 year olds rooms?”
A – “Great article here on improving a cosy/story area
A – “Top 10 activities to do with 2 year olds”
A – “The two year olds room in my setting sings good morning every morning to each child and member of staff. They all have individual photos and they place it on a self registration board using Velcro. This is part of their daily routine and is very popular with all children. We have continuous sand and water play out at all times and different role play on the home corner which it changes every few weeks- all staff gather resources. We have a maths area and a writing area.. the children have many resources to choose from through out the day at their own reach! Good luck with your promotion!”
A – “Make sure you have these areas set up in your room if possible. Home corner, Construction, Creative, Heuristic, Sand /water, Small world, Cosy/book corner, Use open ended resources. Registration display and an interactive display. Make sure you include maths and literacy in all areas. Use a visual routine, display it.”