Should we sing the ABC song at nursery?


Q – “What is everyone’s views on children at nursery choosing to sing the ABC song when asked what would they like to sing. Should we sing it or not?”


A – “Ofcourse they can sing ABC. While learning to read is taught by using phonics the children still need to know letter names and alphabeth”

A – “Definitely sing it! How would the child feel having their choice dismissed? Plus a reception teacher told me they need to know the letter sound but also the letter name”

A – “I always teach the children both the sound and the letter…….they are both important as each letter has a name and a sound, not just a sound. Plus, the English language cannot always be spelt phonetically, so why are we just focussing on phonics. The sound doesn’t mean anything to them, if they don’t know the letter it belongs to. Also, it’s that old choice thing again – with regard to the song, if a child has chosen it, then sing it”

A – “Sing it phonetically and letters. It will teach both then! When I’ve done it I’ve used a poster of the alphabet to use as a visual aid! Mainly because when I first tried it i forgot what came next when trying to do it phonetically. The children thought it was extremely funny”

A – “i would think its quite bad if it wasnt sang to be honest kids will learn the alphabet that way first before phonics is even introduced”

A – “I think she means because it’s not phonetically sang? I personally don’t choose to sing it but I would sing it if it was requested”

A – “We sing it and also use the finger alphabet signing this way the children which are none verbal can also join in, it’s lovely to see them taking part .”

A – “It’s just a rhyming song to be honest children don’t really understand letters”

A – “I love the fact that many children think elemeno (lmno) is a letter in its own right”

A – “Sing it every day. Children need to know the names as well as the sounds to achieve the ELG!!! Sing away”

A – “We have a child who requests this everyday at group time and we always sing it”



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