What are your views on mixed ages in the early years? Are there benefits?

Question –

Q – “I’m an EYT student and a setting I have come across mixes ages so 0-3 year olds have free play together. What are people’s views on mixing 0-3 year olds. Some of these babies are as young as 7 months with rather large 3 year olds. As long as ratios are met is it safe and what are the benefits to mix 0-3 year olds?”


A – “I work in a creche, age 6wks to 4yrs 11months one open plan room inspectors are fine with it sometimes we have siblings that want to play together and it works, we do have a quiet corner for younger babies”

A – “While it might be a problem when with limited staff this mix is normal in any baby/toddler group and usually gives very few problems.”

A – “All childminders have mixed age groups, it encourages empathy, means siblings can be together and has many other benefits.”

A – “Our children have separate rooms but all mix while outside. We ensure ratios are maintained and I think it provides opportunities for the older children to care and nurture the younger ones and time for siblings to see and play with each other”

A – “I’m a setting of a room that is open planned for 0-5 children, it works perfectly”

A – “When I experienced working in such a setting I found it beneficial to the children as siblings were able to play with each other like they do at home. Younger children learn from the older children and older children help the younger children”

A – “Don’t you have to have a separate room/space for under 2’s?

A – “There are many benefits to learning by having mixed aged groups. Prominent theorists such as Vygotsky promoted this way of learning”



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