Management training

Effective ways to manage a team
Kimberley EYC

10 pieces of training you must share with your new employee

10 vital pieces of training that you will need to include in your new employee induction When inducting a new employee in your Early Years setting there can be lots of information, policies and procedures that you will need to share with them. A good induction is important as this

Management training

Ways to support your childcare practitioners

5 top ways to support your team of childcare practitioners Having a robust and passionate team of childcare practitioners is highly important as it can contribute to delivering outstanding practice. It is important that it is not taken for granted the hard work that practitioners bring to the workforce and nursery

Early Years Training

Management Training Course

Online Conflict Management Training Course This online training course is designed to help both employers and workers understand how to prevent, deal with and report confrontation in the workplace. The course explains the various types of workplace conflict. This course also highlights how to carry out and complete a management

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