Top tips on marketing your nursery on a budget

5 highly effective ways to help with marketing your nursery on a budget

marketing your nursery on a budget


Opening a nursery can be an expensive move and sometimes there is very little money left in the budget to use for marketing your nursery. When in fact marketing your nursery is one of the most important jobs. Making your nursery financial successful comes down to a few contributing factors, effective marketing, reputable reputations, happy parents, excellent committed team force and a driven management team.

Many nurseries can spend up to thousands of pounds on marketing but the question is do they measure the effectiveness Of this or do they just carrying on spending thousands of pounds. Finding out what actually works in regards to marketing will enable you to focus on that particular area rather than wasting money in other areas.

Here are a few ways to help with marketing your nursery on a budget.

1 Set up social media platforms

Marketing your nursery using social media

This is very cost effective and costs nothing. Social media is the way to go when marketing your nursery, as so many people nowadays are using social media to communicate between one another. When setting Facebook book and Twitter up think about how it fits into your overall strategy. Once they are set up make sure these are regularly updated with high quality photos and good quality content as this is what your prospective parents will be seeing.

2.Get your name in the community

Why not get involved in a community event or take the children along this again is another way of getting your name out there. The more you are recognised the better your chance of getting more sales.

3.Use existing parents

As you have plenty of happy parents on your doorstep why not use these to spread the word about your nursery.  Many parents choose nurseries based on word of mouth and recommendations.

4.Building a website

For some nurseries this can be a frightening thought as creating a website may not be their expertise. There are companies out there that can help you but be mindful that they may not know exactly what you are trying to achieve so make sure you are the person in control of telling them what you want. Once you have your website keep this updated regularly. It is Important to think about trying to get your website on page one of Google as this is where most parents will click on a nursery.

5.Winning an award

There are many nursery awards to enter . Why not give it a go and see what happens. Having a certificate to say you are nursery of the year speaks volume. Entering awards can also build motivation as it shows great recognition in everyone’s hard work.

If you have already tried this suggestions please share will us others ways you have marketed your nursery



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