Top tips on using Facebook to increase occupancy

 8 top tips for using Facebook to help increase occupancy

Using facebook to help sale conversions

Many childcare settings forget about using social media to help increased occupancy when in fact using Facebook can be just as successful as having a website on Google. Facebook is used everyday by adults and is beginning to become one of the top platforms for communicating messages. Try our top tips in using Facebook to help increase your occupancy levels

Try our top tips in using Facebook to help increase your occupancy levels

  1. Easy access. Many adults will have the app on their phone giving them easy access to reading status updates. Therefore, your messages will easily be reached by your audience.
  2. Using Facebook as well as a website. Many people don’t realise that Facebook also ranks on Google. This will mean that prospective parents will find your Facebook page on Google when searching. Many parents are now beginning to search for nurseries using their name and if both your Facebook page and website come up this will stand you in a far stronger position than your local competitors.
  3. Conveying your message. Use Facebook as a platform to communicate your messages. Post regular updates and engage with your customers  as this will develop a strong online presence. Don’t forget messages posted on Facebook will go viral which means more people are likely to see and remember who you are.
  4. Show prospective parent who you are. By adding photos and comments on your page will show prospective who you are, giving them an insight of what it will be like to send their child there. Looking at photos of children playing can tell a parent more than reading a paragraph or two on a website.
  5. Sharing of information. As Facebook allows people, to share photos and status updates this means more people are likely to see your setting, hopefully leading to more sale conversions.
  6. Communicating via Facebook. Prospective parents are able to send messages to your setting via Facebook messages when your setting is closed.
  7. Using Facebook is free. This social media platform is free to use so why not try using to it to help increase your occupancy levels.
  8. Promoting on Facebook. There is the option to pay to advertise on Facebook this is another way of pushing a certain advert again helping reach those prospective parents.

It is wise to ensure your Facebook is closely monitored by an appointed person. Make sure your Facebook page is kept separate from a personal profile and is set up as a business page, not a profile page.

Regular review the use of your Facebook page and ask yourself the question is it highly effective in meeting your needs.




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